Bob McAteer
Decided it would be a good idea to start writing a blog about my life. I feel like I’ve got a lot to say about the things I enjoy and the web is a great place to blab about it so here it goes.
So a bit about me for the first post and what I enjoy. I’m 25 and live down in Cambridgeshire. I moved here from Aberdeen, Scotland once I graduated to begin my career. My first job was working as a Technical consultant for a small finTech company based at Plexal in the Olympic park. This job had a great environment but after a few months, I realised it was not what I wanted to do. This led me to move to a new company in January of 2018 to begin working as a Graduate Java Developer. I am really happy where I am at the moment and am looking forward to what the next year brings me.
In my spare time, I love playing games. I’m a complete retro Nintendo nerd. Yes, I do enjoy the new “next-gen” consoles but it doesn’t cover my gaming fix. I was brought up in the 90’s and I began gaming on a Nintendo Entertainment System. When I moved to school, My dad bought me a Nintendo 64 and that was where the love for Nintendo truly began.
I’m also a keen amateur photographer. I used to work as a freelance photographer to help pay my way through uni and yes I was that photo guy you would see going through the nightclubs. I think back now and wonder how I managed the 6am-3pm shift at M&S then the 11 pm to 2 am shift at nightclubs but you know what? I wouldn’t change that at all. I’m over the moon I decided to do this and it certainly helped in making friends when leaving school. I do have a portfolio for my photography on this site so please do have a look.
Well, that was a wee intro to my life. I’ll try to keep updating this when I can and hopefully be able to add in some game or console reviews to keep the balance just about right.
Bob 🙂